ginamarie (She/Her) is a self taught intuitive artist. Her journey began nearly a decade ago, with a deep need to create. Over the years her art has transformed from paint to word and everything in between. She has always had the wildest of imaginations and the deepest intuitive insights.

Gina is also a spiritual practitioner and Death Worker. She is a dedicated student of the process of transformation and explores a variety of healing traditions and holistic and integrative healing practices. Her understanding of how trauma impacts the mind, body and spirit, has influenced her creativity. She believes there is a profound knowing of the possibilities that emerge from cultivating tools and healing practices to regulate and restore balance to the nervous system.

Gina is a student of life, living each day as an experiment. Leading from a place of authenticity, presence, curiosity, and heart; she blends intuition and the many forms of art to create balance within. Forever learning, exploring, and growing.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill